Wednesday, May 6, 2009


My husband says I have an unusual need to know "why"? I do want to know why. I would love to ask God "why" on a lot of things. Why does He give us clear answers on some things, and on others, he is silent? Why is our world so messed up, and why has he not ended it already? Why did Jesus have to die? I know why, but I mean why did it have to be THAT way when God can do anything? Why do some children get to be born in America into a home with two parents and enough to eat (like mine) and some children lose both parents to war and go to bed hungry and scared every night? Why do some dogs live in the lap of luxury and some people live outside in a box? Why are family relationships so challenging, but it is so easy to laugh and do for a casual friend? Why is prayer life so fruitful sometimes and other times it's dry as a bone. Mostly, I want to know why it so hard to be a person walking around on this planet, and why is the road to Heaven so long?

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